Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hurry up and wait....

Well, this is my first post. Like anyone who has adopted or is in the process of adopting knows, waiting sucks! So far we have submitted our I600A, I've got my passport (still waiting on Jeremy's), we've submitted fingerprints to every government agency in the US (lol), and I'm gathering paperwork for my homestudy agency. My homestudy agency is waiting on our FBI and ABI clearence before they can set up any appointments. So, we are on hold. uggggg!!!!! I know I should be more patient, but after a 5 year struggle with infertility, I just want everything NOW! I have been trying to occupy my mind with baby furniture and bedding. We have our furniture on layaway and Jeremy's parents (Nana and Popa) bought us the most adorable bedding ever! It has "big trucks" on it. (My husband in in the trucking industry) I also have an obession all of a sudden with diaper bags. A co-worker has got me a Coach and won't let me have it until my shower. I think I want to wait until after we travel to have a shower. Some people have told me to have a "gift card" shower, but I'm afraid that would seem tacky. Anyone have any suggestions? I just want to be totally excited and then I start hearing and reading Kaz "horror stories", and i get very depressed and anxious. Our agency, Children's Hope International, has been excellent. They have been there to answer any question, no matter how silly it sounds. I checked out several agencies before we decided to use CHI. Well, I guess that's it for my first post. I've been a blog stalker for so long, it thought it was time I join in!


Jennifer and Ty said...
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Jennifer and Ty said...

Sorry, I am new to this posting thing. I think I just deleted my first post.... I have noticed you on the Kaz. blog but did not realize you live so close to us! We are adopting from Kazakhstan through CHI also. We live in Huntsville, AL. Please feel free to check out our blog Looking forward to getting to know you.

Amanda said...

Wow! I'm really excited to meet you! If you don't mind me asking, who are you using for your homestudy?

Jennifer and Ty said...

We are using a lady who works for Catholic Family Services here in Huntsville. We had our first meeting with her this week.

Jennifer and Ty said...

Please feel free to send me an email so we don't have to talk on your blog. :) It is

Amanda said...

We're using Agape of N Al out of Huntsville. We're waiting on our FBI and ABI prints to come back. I read some of your blog and had to just laugh because I'm "feelin' your pain" haha! What's you email address so I can add you to my address book? I'm new to this whole blogging thing , also. I'm so use to myspace. I really want us to stay in touch since we're in the same part of the process. It would be so cool to travel at the same time!

Jennifer and Ty said...

I can't tell you how excited I am to meet you. Please email me anytime!

Tracie said...

I am a single adopting from Kazakhstan. I am a waiting family and could be traveling anytime after December. CHI is the agency that I am using and have been very pleased w/ them also. I understand what you mean about the horror stories but you can find them about every agency---every country---and every pregancy. I pray a lot:) I also read a LOT:) I want to be prepared for whatever comes my way! Enjoy the journey and welcome to the "club"!
Tracie Thomas Arkansas

Matthew Ruley said...

Congrats on your new blog and getting your passport and submitting the I600A, you are relaly making progress! Look forward to following your journey... Suz "waiting"

Monica said...

Thanks for sharing your blog. I'm a mom to five boys but we have big spaces between some of my children because we dealt with unexplained 2ndary infertility. That experience taught us patience and gave us a better appreciation for how children come into our lives in God's perfect timing. We hope to add a daughter to our family thru Kaz adoption in a couple years. We're reading and trying to learn about the process now so we will really enjoy following your blog. Best wishes to you for a speedy process towards your happy baby boy in your arms. :)

Jeannine said...

Amanda & Jeremy.. It sounds like you are well on your way-- congratulations! All the waiting does stink, but it sounds like you are on the right track, keeping busy with the fun stuff.. The horror stories will creep into your head from time to time, but know that for every adoption gone wrong, there are hundreds (maybe thousands) that go right.. Having a good agency is the key.. As for baby showers, I am going to sneak mine in between trips so I will have everything I need when the baby comes home but still have the fun of the shower.. And I think most people going to a shower like to see your reaction to opening their gift-- not as good if you're just opening gift cards.. Good luck with it!


The Cook said...

Waiting does stink but you will get there. Now I can stalk your blog! You will have such an amazing journey...embrace it, even the paperwork and waiting because your life will never be the same.