Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!!!

Happy Halloween everyone! I absolutely cannot wait until we bring Garrett home so that we can trick or treat. It will definately be a year of firsts. First Halloween, first Thanksgiving and then my favorite, first Christmas!!!!!It makes me smile just thinking about it!

We started our parent ed dvd's this week. Let me tell you, those tests ARE NOT easy! I feel like I need a tutor, lol! We also talked about Garretts middle name more. At first his middle name was going to be Seth but after some thought and discussion, we decided to name him Garrett Paul. Paul is my Daddy's middle name and his father's first name. I think my Daddy would be so proud. Garrett is also a family name, Jeremy's great-grandfather.

Well, everyone have a safe and Happy Halloween! Muriel if you read this, I trust you'll post Sophie in her Halloween costume!!!! ;)


The Cook said...

Of course, there will be lots of pictures for sure! We can't wait until you get your baby home too. For sure you have to come to Kazapalooza next year!

Jeannine said...

I always ended up doing those tests at night, and when I got to the last one I plunged in even though it was late.. I figured it would be multiple choice like the first few, but it was essay! It took me until past midnight, and first thing in the morning, I emailed my agency to find out what happens when you fail-- 'cause I was convinced I had!

Kim & Jamie said...

Happy Halloween to you and Jeremy!Those DVDs are LONG! Jamie and I are trying to finish the testing - we are on the last one, and it is brutal! By the time we got done watching the video, it was 10:30pm, and there was no way we could answer those essay questions!Hang in there:)

Love the name Garrett Paul by the way, and the sentiment attached to it:) Baby Vaughn's middle name is going to be after Jamie's dad and my grandfather.

Talk to you soon! And we can't wait for the year of firsts either:) So much fun to think about them!!!

Matthew Ruley said...

I like the name Paul.

We did 3 DVDs and 4 tests last night of the While They Waited program, and we took the tests together.

I just finished my masters degree, and Matt is working on his, so the test taking felt pretty familiar and not too terrible.

Heres the bummer - you cannot take the test together - CHI requires you to each take the tests. So late last night after we submitted the tests, we got a note back that we had passed (all of them), but that only one of us could have completed the program/testing, and so it was Matt. DOH! I had to take the tests over again this afternoon. Still waiting to hear if I passed the whole program and the 4th test.

The 4th test was the toughest since its so many essays! The most brutal part of the experience was the introduction portion - I thought OMG, I can't sit through 6+ hours of this! But we made it through them and they were very informative. If anything, this will help us to talk to our friends and family about what we're doing (not letting them "cry it out", etc).

We'd stop the video for the little trick or treaters. They were SO cute! Cant' wait to do that next year.

We're going to watch the 4th video this weekend or tomorrow evening. Yeah, no test with that one!
Have you completed the whole program and all the tests?

Amanda said...

I actually Just passed the third test! I'm dreading the forth!!!!!
Jeremy hasn't even got started yet. he thinks that they're gonna be a breeze but, I think he's in for a surprise!!!! :)

Kathy said...

Wow, you have to take tests! Is that something new or just with your agency? We adopted in 03 and 05- no tests!
