Saturday, October 20, 2007

Good news and then bad

Jeremy's passport is finally in the mail. I got an email today. I can finally get started on all the papers for our dossier! I really wanna get all that done and apostilled while we're doing our homestudy. It's funny home something so little like that can make me so excited. I guess that it's because I wait and wait for progress. Either I have too much paperwork to do or none at all, lol.

Then I found as I was writing this that my Mamaw is back in the hospital. I called up there and she is screaming in pain. She is in remission from colon cancer, and she also is diabetic, has high blood pressure, had 2 strokes and to top it all off has osteoarthritis. The girl sitting with her was calling the nurse for pain meds while I was talking to her. My grandparents were so great when Daddy passed away. It make me sad to think that she may not be there at the end of my journey to meet Garrett. My dads parents passed away when I was in elementary school and my moms parents are all I really have left. Pray for her!


Matthew Ruley said...

I am so sorry to hear about your Mamaw's regression. Itis a difficult time. And times like this do open old wounds where you miss those who have passed before. Now they are guardian angels for you and Mamaw.

In terms of your dossier, first document to get done is the I-600, it takes the longest. It takes longer in different regions. You can't send it in without the homestudy report - but get that one out immediately! The other that takes a little while is the FBI Background report (send with local fingerprints). Good luck!

Monica said...

I will pray for your Mamaw. My Nana just died in June and I miss her so much so your words touched me. I know how much you hope that she will be able to meet Garrett. Visit with you Mamaw and talk to her as much as you can. Ask her things about babies and adoption and whether she ever knew anyone as a child who was adopted from an orphanage. Hopefully she WILL get to meet Garrett but if not atleast you can share in as much of the experience now as possible and you'll know that she knew what your plans were.

And as for passports did you see on my blog how FAST my passport arrived? It's a quick process this time of year I think.

Matthew Ruley said...

I'd ask her for stories she'd want to share with Garrett.

Make a tape of her telling the story or reading some bedtime stories or singing lullabies, and saying how much the baby means to her and to you. That is a nice keepsake for you and for Garrett.