Sunday, May 4, 2008


Patience.... I have none. I should have known how hard waiting was going to be but, it is just hard. Though I have not lost sight of what we have wanted for so long, I am just tired. (if that makes sense) I sometimes just ask the Lord for a sign that what we're doing is what we should be doing. I need a direction and I need it now! I am so busy waiting on the big things to happen that I am missing out on the small things. That's not fair to me or anybody else. I just pray that I can have the patience and faith to keep it all together because sometimes I think I am losing my mind........


Mell said...

You are not alone,,,I think anyone who has walked this road has been where you are now,,,it will pass,,,I promise. I know I had some rough times and it is just hard for people who haven't been here to understand. God does have a big purpose for your life and you just have to keep believing and trusting. HE does love you,,,remember that. I will say special prayers for you today and hope that you know you are loved!
:) Melanie

Jennifer and Ty said...

I am a firm believer that all things happen for a reason and in their own time. I feel like we have set a record for the longest homestudy but...there is a reason. You may not know what it is but when that beautiful baby is in your arms you will know it is all worth it. Keep the faith dear. You are in my thoughts. :)


The Cook said...

Waiting is the hardest part. I know what you mean about being exhausted. Hang in there cutie.

Table for Seven said...

It seems like when things are not moving God loves to work behind the scenes!!!!Learn to enter into the rest of God and he will show himself strong!!!!!!!You are moving in the right direction so just keep walking!!!!!!

Jennifer and Ty said...

Quick question... how long did it take the state of AL to approve your homestudy after your social worker sent it in? We finally got ours and are curious how long before we will get called for fingerprints.


Doripink said...

God has chosen your baby for you amnd He will give you that baby in His time...and when your baby is placed in your arms, the pain of the "wait" will be a distant memory, I PROMISE! You are an amazing person and your strength and faith will get you through this!

Aaron and Julie said...

Waiting is hard. I remember just not being able to stand it some days. Some weeks. Hang in there! We are praying for you.