Friday, April 11, 2008

A whole new world

I just had to share this, I I luv the way that Coco crosses her feet. Matty looks so old with her gray beard!!!!
The past week has been very interesting as we explore our options for domestic adoption. We are still very excited and I'm more anxious than EVER! We have found several options for agencies/facilitators. I really want to research before we decide. I kinda feel like I'm test driving cars, lol. Jeremy said the other day, what if its a girl?!? We are totally unprepared for a girl, lol. We have a nursery full of little boys things! We will manage I can assure you!!!!!


Gretchen said...

Thanks SBP! I just got the package yesterday. Thank you so much. Serik loves the toys and bubble bath. He is obsessed with bubbles! Thanks again!

Mell said...

Funny,,,,God does have a sense of humor!