Monday, February 4, 2008

Now a note from Mommy

I haven't been feeling that great the last couple of days. Not that I've been sick or anything, just kinda down in the dumps. I think that I'm just kinda run down and tired. I know that I really need a vactation and some ME time like majorly bad and that ain't happening anytime soon. And to top it all off we've had quit a few financial set backs. I know that God will take care of us, he always has provided for us I know that things will be okay. The first thing that happened when I looked at my e-mail was something like a sign from above that something would come up, thanks Suz! You are the best!

Yesterday I spent the whole day with Drew (my 12 year old brother) at the E.R. Come to find out after sitting there for hours he had pneumonia. He had a 103.7 temp and was dehydrated. He had to have two bags fluids and a bag of antibiotics. They didn't keep him but told him to stay home from school for two days and follow up with his doc on Wednesday. He feels some better today.

Anyway, thanks again SBP. You are great. The dogs love you so much. Sorry I didn't post this days ago, I will post pics soon of my pups goin' nuts, I can't find my USB cord, it got "put up" in the big home study clean up, but I will very soon!


Doripink said...

Glad the doggies liked their treats and I can't wait to see Garrett in his flannels :)
I know how you feel as well...some ME time is always nice.
Your SBP

Sarah said...

Thank you Amanda for my SBP gifts! I am glad to finally know who you are and can follow your journey to Garrett!

Aaron and Julie said...

Hi guys!
I am just now catching up on blogs! Thank you for your comments :)

ME time is definitely necessary, do it now because it only gets harder when your son comes home :) I am looking forward to following your journey! Pray & have faith on the finances. I don't know how it all works out, but it will!